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Addenda And Corrigenda.
Special attention is again called to supplementary information about
MSS in the Introduction; also to extra variants and corrections under
versions Q, H, T1.
Sanskrit Text: Read on p. 10, 22 किमपरैः for किमपरैः; p. 65, 1664
सुतराम् for
सुतराम्; हृदय for हृदय; p. 67, 171" यत्राप्येकस् for यत्राप्येकस;
p. 97, 2474 सार्धमन्येन for सार्धमन्यने; p. 112, 286° जृम्भते for जम्भते; p. 120, 305
चित्तः for 'चित्तः; p. 149, number of 432 misprinted 433; p. 150, 441 should
be combined with p. 153, 461; p. 153, 466a read 'कर्कशकर for 'कर्कशर-;
p. 160, 510 is found in all anonymous fragment of & printed anthology as
तरुणि संहर संहर लोचने तृणलवेषु कुठारपरिग्रहः । मयि मनोभवमार्गणपीडिते न हि सतामुचितं
मृतमारणम् ॥p. 167, 556-557 are in inverted alphabetical order; p. 185, 6896
read धन्यास for धन्यांस; p. 186, 700 is more correctly reported in one of
the unnumbered H&m MSS as N1 = योगेन्द्रेण फलं प्रदत्तमजरामृत्याय यस्मै पुनः
राज्यै भर्तृहरेण दत्तमनया वंठाय तस्मै ददे । वैठेनादित हीनपुण्ययुवती विप्राय वारस्त्रिया
विप्रेणापि तदेव दैववशतो राज्ञे प्रदत्तं पुनः ॥ p. 187, 705-706 in inverted alphabetical
order; 7100 emend वनेषु to नवेषु; p. 190, 730 is the unemended form of
p. 191, 735, printed inadvertently; p. 193, 754 might be खण्डिता एव शोभन्ते
वीराधरपयोधराः ॥ cf. SR.B. p. 328. 3; p. 205, 852 read घृतं for घृतं ; p. 225, 1014
Lanread for मण्डितम् [ to qualify काश ].
Critical Apparatus: ntus: Y means Y T G Mon p. 2, 4 and p. 3, 6; p. 4, 7t
variants झटति etc. should be rl be read झटति etc.; p. 44, 112 Harilal's lith ed. is
dated 1860; p. 59, 149t MS CMS C reads संप्राप्तोपि वराटकोहि; p. 79, 1974 version
A, not B, reads कांत्युज्वलं; Pालं; P, 117, 298 seems to have been constructed
rom two consecutive stanza stanzas as for example in the Pañcatantra, ed.
Bomb.1.188-189 by adding ab ng ab of the second to cd of the first.
The critical apparatus doess does not cite Q numbers, which will be found in
the synoptic chart. MS C containontains stanza 501, but not the alternative form
739, as N46. The following numl numbers of group III slokas in codex I have not
been cited in the critical appare pparatus: 378 = N105 (106 ) ; 528 = N101 (102);
642 = N107 (108);
596 – N106 (107), beginning अनुगन अनुगन्तव्याः;
648 = N28; 726 – Ś94(105); 772=S9
V65 (71) ;
= $93(98).
equired Gokhale
A MS in the newly acquir
collection at the BORI is
complete but for the first 3 - 1 / 2 sta. stanzas, and seems to to be derived froun
the same parent version as Ham 874, 174, which is shorter. The omissions common
to these are 278, 282, 283, 342; com common inclusions 291, 520, 544, 599804
816. The following additional stanzas nzas from the BORI MS should be taken
into group 1II, &s numbers 853-6 : NE: N 5 = अयश्वणकचर्वणं फणिफणामणेः कर्षणं करेण
गिरितोलनं जलनिधेः पदालंघनम् । प्रसुप्तहरिबोधनं बोधनं निशितखद्गसंस्पर्शनं भवेदिष्ठ न तु क्वचित्
कृपणतो धनस्पर्शनम् ॥ ८५३ ॥ SRB. P, 72. 58.58 891 - प्रियतः प्रभावपदमन्तोऽपि हृदयमान्
भवति । न यावच् चन्दनतरुसुरभिनिर्मलमलयपवम यपवमानः ॥ ८५४ ॥ ( followed by 274 ).
V 3 = मनः कुत्रोद्योगः सपदि वद मे गम्यपदवीं नरे* नरे वा नाय वा गमनमुभयत्रापि च मृषा ।
यतस् ते लीबत्वं प्रतिपदमहो हास्यपदवीं जनस्तोके मारके मागास्त्वमनुसरहि ब्रह्म परमम् ॥ ८५३ ॥
सान्तमतुर्विवेकात् पितुरपि कृपणा मंक्षु कृत्वा कृत्वा पृथङ्यामाशा योषा स्वतन्त्रा व्रजति
परगृहान्सर्वदा वीतलजा । पुष्ट्वा दम्भं स्वबन्धुं मम यमन यमनियमौ भ्रातरौ भसंयन्तीं खिन्नामेनां
कुमार्या तदपि कथमहं हन्त वन्ध्यां श्रयामि ॥ ८५६ ॥. – S - SRB. p. 77.56.
v 2-