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functions of the various persons in high and low stations.
As a matter of fact, sankirtana and such things so petty by
themselves yield high gains. Thus, it is said: "Even a little
of this dharma will rid a person of great fear" (Gītā, II. 40). This
dharma, once commenced, is not lost, though interrupted in
the middle, like other dharmas (such as sacrifices, etc.).
What is commenced is not lost" (Gītā, II. 40); "My devotee
never perishes (IX. 33). Elsewhere also it is stated :
"Saluting Him, one does not become unhappy"; "Saluting
Vasudeva, one does not get unto grief"; "Saluting Janardana,
one sorrows not ". There is no room for sin or loss of gain, if
this dharma is done even irregularly or is obstructed by any
powerful inimical agency. For it is said in the Gita: "No
sin or loss of gain arises" (II 40). All these sayings are
significant and meaningful and are not mere (empty) praise;
they do not exaggerate.
Is it so? Is it not exaggeration to say that the praise of
the Lord ean lead one to salvation? No. Here what is spoken
about is only the beginning of the preparation for attaining
the Lord by destroying all the sins that stand in the way of the
acquisition of true knowledge about Him and of bhakti by
increasing one's sattva-guna. Hence it is said: "By uttering
the two syllables, ha and ri, one packs for the journey to
Heaven." (Vishnu Dharma). Again: "A person who fixes his
mind on Him does not go to Hell. After thinking of Him,
even Svarga (the paradise of the gods) is regarded by him as an
obstacle, and the world of the Creator Brahma as but a trifle.
The Eternal Lord, presiding over the pure hearts of such
persons, grants them the boon of immortality. If this is so,
what surprise is there in saying that the praise of the Lord
destroys sins?".
(Note: -Nama sankirtana saves a person from hell ard
makes him feel that Svarga and Brahmaloka are trifles in
comparison with salvation. This knowledge makes him
purified of all imperfections and makes him fit for bhakti, and
then it leads him on to final release, all step by step.)
(Here the commentator starts the question: Why not apply
here the rule about purna-ahuti) the last or completing
oblation, or the oblation made with a full ladle? Though
such ahuti is stated to secure all sorts of fruits, it has been