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Praising (Stuvan) Any praise in some way or other will
do, it need not be the same as or as perfect as bhakti yoga.
Be freed from all griefs: The devotee reaches the cool
lake of unsurpassed bliss which is the Lord, after crossing the
forest-fire of the threefold torments of samsāra. In this con.
text, it is proper that the word stuvan in stanza 6 should
be interpreted to denote a very easy way of pleasing Him. The
word stuvan, used earlier in the previous stanza, as it is
combined with dhyayan, denotes a more difficult means of
attaining Him (because dhyäna etc., are not easy of perform-
ance). If not so 'understood, there will result the fault of
Besides, among the questions propounded, there is a
separate question "stuvantaḥ kam" (Praising whom). Hence
this answer, contained in stanzas 6 and 7, must be taken to
answer that distinct question separately. Again there is the
fact that other sästras also support this view.
Now, Bhishma proceeds to resolve the doubt raised by the
5th question.
एष मे सर्वधर्माणां धर्मोऽधिकतमो मतः ।
यद्भक्त्या पुण्डरीकाक्षं स्तवैरर्चेन्नरः सदा ॥ ८ ॥
(8) This worship of the Lotus-eyed at all times y
praises by a person with devotion is hence regarded
by me as the greatest of all dharmas.
This: what as been explained earliar as the difficult path
and the easy according to the fitness of those resorting to
them i.e., worship (archana) and hymanal praises (stava)
Of all dharmas, etc: Dharmas are divided into four
classes. (i) Dharma performed for material benefits, such as
increase of wealth (literally of cattle) and for the begetting of
children. (ii) Dharma performed for obtaining celestial plea-
sures, such as Svarga (the celestial world of the gods).
(iii) Dharma for the attainment of moksha, which starts with
the performance, by persons with no attachment and with the
sole consciousness of worshipping Him, of sacrifices, the
building of temples, etc., and which finds its completion in