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"the beginingless and endless" and which distinguish Him from
all minor gods whatsoever,
The beginningless and the endless: -The Lord is ever ready
to help, without being limited by time.
Vishnu -Not limited by space: all-pervasive.
Ruler of the worlds: -He is possessed of mighty powers
adequate to fulfil all and every kind of wishes on the part of
His devotees.
Supervisor of the worlds:-This quality is natural to Him.
He never forgets but remembers (to fulfil the wishes of His
To be known from the Vedas (Brahmanyam) :-All the
Vedas in their branches extol Him, and so it is easy to know
Him and praise Him.
Knower of all dharmas:- Just, as He appreciates bhakti
(taught by the śästras), He appreciates equally stava (praise).
Enhancing the fame of the world: "By praising Him the
praiser become himself praised," says the Vishnu Dharma.
Hence in respect of all psrs ons in all the worlds, who devote
themselves to Him, He makes them also objects of praise by
Master of the worlds :-Hence, He deserves all praise and
service. In His essential nature He is united with supreme
greatness indicative of sovereignty.
Great person (Mahatbhitam):-He is worshipped easily. "The
great are easily pleased with those who show by some act of
theirs that they are desirous of obtaining favours from them.'
In the Udyoga parvan (of the Mahābhārata), it is said: "The
Lord does not expect anything other than a jar of water
(offered by way of respect), washing the feet and kind enquiries
about welfare".
The cause of all beings and their existence: He is the
cause of existence and life to those who lack them. Hence,
inevitably and necessarily, He shows His grace to them.