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you, this most hidden secret" (IX. 1); "Having known it, there
is nothing further to know" (VII 2); and again, "This most
hidden of all secrets" (XVIII. 64). More than enough has been
said. This will do.
अनादिनिधनं विष्णुं सर्वलोकमहेश्वरम् ।
anrwsi egafacá aâg:arfanì xàa ॥ & ॥
ब्रह्मण्यं सर्वधर्मशं लोकानां कीर्तिवर्धनम् ।
लोकनाथं महद्भूतं सर्वभूतभषोद्भवम् ॥ ७ ॥
(6) & (7) (And engaged in) praising Him, the Beginning-
less and the Endless, the all-pervading, the Ruler of
all the worlds, the Supervisor of all the worlds.
(Universal Witness), the One to be known from the
Vedas, the Knower of all dharmas; the One who
engages Himself in enhancing the fame of the worlds,
Master of the worlds, the Great Person and the
Cause of existence of all beings-such a person
(worshipper) is freed from all griefs.
The words "tam eva cha" at the end of the fifth stanza
is to be taken along with the next stanza. (Now the further
commentary is about the 6 th or 7th stanza).
Then an observation is made as to the difficult nature of
bhakti. This bhakti is grounded firm only by long continuous
practice, and that too only after getting rid of all obstructions.
This stage is gained only by those whose sins are cleared off
by merits gained by performance of good and virtuous acts and
conduct through many births. It is said (in the Gita and Vishnu
Dharma respectively): "At the end of many births, one be-
comes a Jñanin (wise man) and attains Me. (VII. 19), and
"In the course thousands of other births" (69)
Then what about persons who are unable to perform all
the means enjoned by the śästras? In answer to such fears, he
(Bhishma) points out an easy way in the stanzas 6 and 7 by
answering the third question, "Praising whom".
To reach that Vishņu, who is object of bhakti and who is
fit to be praised and worshipped in every way, Bhishma
enumerates His qualities by ten adjectives, which begin with