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through bhakti and steadfastness. Those who know Him
thus become immortäl." (Kath. Up. II. 6. 9.) Here "hrit
means bhakti. This is clear by the use in other śruti texts and
in Smritis. In fact the Mahabharata, beginning with the words,
"His form does not appear within the range of physical
vision , goes on to say: "One who has his soul filled by
devotion (bhakti) and steadfastness (dhriti) gets a vision of the
Intelligent Self (i.e., the Brahman)". It is to be noted here
that the word bhakti is used in the place of hrit.
In the Gita also bhakti is said to be the means to attain
moksha: That Supreme Person, O Partha, can be attained
by bhakti undistracted" (VIII. 22); and "It is not possible
by anything except bhakti (to see Me)'' (XI. 54), The Angirasa
Smriti says: "By uninterrupted bhakti salvation is obtained".
Again, in the Vaishnava Dharma also:-"Unadulterated bhakti
towards the Supreme Soul, Govinda, leads men to mukti. Do
not feel any doubt about it". From the Ramayana:
Those who are immensely devoted to Thee, the Ancient
One and the Highest Being, obtain all their desires in this
and the other world. The devotees never fail in attaining
their objectives." Again, the Vamana Purana declares:
"Those who are devoted to Vishnu or whom Vishnu loves,
intensely perceive Him as the only goal and are not subject to
further births ". (Thus samyoga has been explained.)
(2) Next as to rupa. The form is described as "The
Lotus-eyed" in both the places where bhakti and upāsana are
(3) Next chodana (injunction or mandate) In some
places, the word upāsva (meditate) is used as a word of injunc-
tion, and in other places, the word bhajasva (practise devotion);
both denote the same thing i.e., a kind of service. Indeed,
in the dictionary (nighantu) service, bhakti and upüsti are
treated as synonyms. Both in the Linga and Markandeya
Puranas it is said:
"The root bhaj is explained in the sense
of seva (service). Hence, the wise use the word bhakti to mean
great service".
Therefore, the idea underlying the use of the word
upasana to mean bhakti is analysed thus:-It is of the form
of limitless love and devotion towards the worshipped God on