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deities in the Smritis, because the benefit derived from
worshipping them is limited" (Bharata-XII. 342.36); "The
benefits derived from them are perishable" (Gitä, VII. 23).
Person (Purusha):-the lotus-eyed (Nārāyaṇa).
Eternal (Avyaya) denotes that, however much His
qualities are enjoyed, further and further new qualities appro-
priate to Him spring up without end.
Worshipping (Archayan): performing-bhakti yoga which
is of the form of service to Him.

Always (Nityam) denotes a person who cannot exist
even for a moment without thoughts of Him like the devotees
described in the Gitā (X. 9) "whose minds are concentrated
on Me and whose lives are dependent on Me".
How to worship? With bhakti, i.e., with the affectionate
consciousness that "He is my Master and I am in His
service". How else also? By meditating (dhyāyan):-i.e.,
contemplating always on the virtuous qualities of the Lord
with a full mind, so as to have a stream of thought like an
unbroken stream of nectar and to put an end to the threefold
suffering of samsāra (arising out of the body, out of the
outside things or by the will of the Lord).
How else again? Praising (Stuvan):-striving to recite by
word of mouth the various qualities of the Lord, the body
being thrilled with the bliss of enjoyment, the eyes streaming
with tears of joy and the voice tremulous on account of such
How else again? Prostrating (Namasyan):- Bowing low,
i.e., offering at the lotus feet of the Lord, himself, who is
impure because of egotism, and with his body and organs and
senses, inner and outer, bent low on account of bhakti and the
feeling of Not mine", and uttering at the same time the
prayer "Take all that is mine as Thine".
How else again? Sacrificing (Yajamāna):- one who does
worship to God, i.e., one who performs with sincere devotion
an incomparable, pure and pleasing worship by offering (Him)
a series of objects of enjoyment of various kinds suitable to
His enjoyment, such as arghya (a respectful oblation of water),