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samsara) a devotee stands firm in the Lord, who is unseeable.
bodiless, indescribable and needing no support, he obtains that
security. But one who breaks away from the Lord (in his
meditation) suffers from fears of samsāra." This is explained
in the Smriti also thus: "The fact that Vasudeva is absent in
the mind (contemplation) of a person even for a muhirta or a
minute is a big loss, gives wide room (for bad things), results
in perverse thoughts and wicked actions". Also: Sitting
in a cage made of the flames of fire is preferable to the
torment suffered by associating with persons who have
turned away from the thoughts of the Lord". Again: "One
who has spent even a short time without thoughts of the Lord
may as well weep, as if he has been robbed (of wealth) by a
Thus has been described the object of japa, recitative
praise. Then follows the subject as to who is to be praised or
meditated upon. The fifth stanza furnishes the answer to the
question as to who is to be praised or worshipped. It will be
noticed that in the inverse sequence (the fifth query) the
subject of dharma has to be treated here. But it is not so ;
the subject treated is about the person to be praised and the
mode of worship (contained in the third and fourth questions).
This is because the subject of worship and praise forms part
of the supreme dharma and has to be expounded.
तमेव चार्चयन्नित्यं भक्त्या पुरुषमव्ययम् ।
ध्यायन् स्तुवन्नमस्यश्च यजमानस्तमेव च ॥ ५ ॥
And (engaged) in worshipping always with only bhakti
the said Person, the Eternal, meditating upon Him,
glorifying Him, saluting Him by prostrating before
Him and performing sacrifices to Him-
Him only: The fifth stanza conveys the idea that the
person who is the suoject of japa is also the subject of worship.
In the Mahabharata (Sabha Parvan) it is said at the time of ac.
cording first honours to Sri Krishna: "We desire to offer our
worship to Him who is full (of perfections), the great teacher,
the first guru, eminently fit to be worshipped. Be pleased, to
agree, all here";
"There is no person other than He fit to
be worshipped"; "Wise men do not offer worship to Brahma
(the four-faced Creator), Rudra and others mentioned as