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all such information'in respect of the dharma considered best
by Bhishma.
These six questions are answered by Bhishma not in their
order, but sometimes in inverse order and sometimes in direct
order. Considering that upaya (the means) is the more
important, as it is the basis for the upeya (the goal), and as the
question relating to the upaya is the last, Bhishma starts his
reply with dealing with the means and the objects relating to
Bhishma said :-
भीष्म उवाच
जगत्प्रभुं देवदेवमनन्तं पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
स्तुवन्नामसहस्रेण पुरुषः सततोत्थितः ॥ ४ ॥
(4) A person who is ever and always engaged in praising
with the (hymn of) Thousand Names the Lord of
this universe, the God of gods and the Highest Person,
with no limitation (as to time, place, etc.) -
The Lord of the universe: the Lord of the movables and
immovables in the world.
The God of gods:-Just as the gods occupy a high position.
in comparison with ordinary human beings who serve them,
so also the Lord is above the gods in His glory, because the
gods do Him service.
Limitless :-whose glory is not curtailed or limited in any
The Highest Person:-whose gracious generosity is supreme.
With the hymn of Thousand Names:-making it the oral
basis of japa (recitative praise).
Praising denotes that the praising is the cause (for
freedom from grief).
Ever engaged:-Continuous praises of and thoughts of
the Lord are very pleasing and beneficial to the devotee; any
break in such continuity causes him great pain. Thus in the
Taittiriya Upanishad (I. 7): "When for security (from fear of