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(6) Because of its conformity with the Gitä, etc.: This hymn
is in conformity with and establishes the conclusive teachings
of the Mahabharata as established in its various portions
such as the Bhagavadgītā, Nārāyaniyı, Yanasandhi, Agrapuja,
Uttamadharmanuśāsana, etc.
For these six reasons, this has been determined as the
most fit and useful for all who generally act after full delib-
eration and after full satisfaction. All the various teachers of
knowledge and of the sustras, (such as the deva-rishis and
brahma-rishis like Devaśravas, Devasthana, Narada, Vätsya,
Asman, Sumantu etc., who have striven for' and obtained the
vision of God, have approved with delight this divine hymn.
Also by Sri Krishna the Lotus-eyed, the Lord of All, the great
Teacher of the Gitā, the Guru of our forefathers, this hymn
has been listened to with rapture, sitting along with others
around Bhishma.
In respect of such a great work we now attempt a
commentary for eludicating the true knowledge of the
beneficent qualities of the Lord.
Vaisampāyana narrated this chapter as another great
secret without being asked and of his own accord and out of
his great friendliness to Janamejaya, who, perhaps, observed
silence and refrained from further questioning because he
had felt satisfied that he had understood all about the truths
from what had been told him already often in various chapters
about the Supreme Reality.
श्री वैशम्पायन उवाच
श्रुत्वा धर्मान् अशेषेण पावनानि च सर्वशः ।
gfufge: mraad gatarzauroa ॥ 8 ॥
Sri Vaisampāyana said: -
"(1) Having heard all the dharmas in their entirety
(without anything being left out) and all other purifi-
catory acts, Yudhishthira addressed again Santanu's
son (Bhishma) as follows:
Here' dharmas' means all those acts which are many
and of the form of Raja-dharma (the duties of kings), Moksha.
dharma (the way to salvation) and Dana-dharma (the duty