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(4) Besides, Bhishma (who taught this) is recognised as a
most trustworthy person. Veda Vyäsa exhorted Dharmarāja
to go to Bhishma for instruction in these words:-"O mighty
King! If you want to be instructed in all dharmas, go to old
Bhishma, the grandsire of the Kauravas. He is all wise; and
knows the essential Truth of Things-the noble son of Ganga
will resolve all doubts troubling your mind in respect of all
subtle and mystic matters. He has seen face to face all the
gods including their chief, Indra." Again, "In all assemblies
where Bhishma was present, there were always to be found
present holy rishis. There is nothing that has to be known
which is not known to him. He, the great knower of dharmas
and all subtle, mystic, spiritual truths, will instruct you in all
Not only this. Even the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna
Himself (exhorted Dharmarāja to resort to Bhishma and) said:
Bhishma is on the bed of arrows like a fire slowly cooling.
He is contemplating on Me. My mind goes to him. He
knows all divine weapons. He has in his mind all the four
Vedas and the Vedangas. I am now one with him by My will.
O King of Bharatas! he knows the past, the present and the
future. My mind is with him. If this head of the family of
Kurus ends his days, there will be the danger of knowledge
declining and perishing. Hence it is that I urge you to go to
him ".
Further (He, the Lord, Sri Krishna, said to Bhishma)
also: "O best of Bharatas, what you are going to say to
Dharmaraja will be ever established in this world as per-
manently as the words of the Veda. The past, the present and
the future are clear to you, old in wisdom, as (the fruit) in the
palm of the hand. I have known you. You have indeed the
capacity to create by your penance the world of movables and
immovables ...No decay for you nor ignorance nor delusion...
Your mind will always be clear and calm like the moon
cleared of clouds, ever rest in sattvaguna, and not be affected
by rajas or tamas.
[Sattva, rajas and tamas are the three qualities' or con.
stituents of matter. They are believed to affect the
mind also, sattva making it clear, rajas inducing