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Commentary by Parasara Bhattarya
Vishnu Sahasranama
(1) My salutation to Govinda (Embar) and my father
(Srivatsänka). I contemplate on Lakshmaṇārya (Sri Rāmānuja)
and meditate on Mahan (Peria Nambi). My mind be full of
Yāmunārya (Aļavandār). I approach respectfully Rāmamiéra.
adore Näthamuni, the first of our acharyas. My adorations
and praises go to Sathari (i.e., Nammazhvar). May Lakshmi
grace me with Her vision. No other resource for me.
I see face to face Pundarikāksha Acharya. I
I surrender myself unto Sridhara (i.e, the Lord of Lakshmi).
(Thus, the guru-paramparā, the line of spiritual preceptors,
is extolled.)
(Embar and Kürattāzhvän are referred to by the dual,
Govinda-tutau, because both are the direct preceptors
of Sri Parasara Bhatta and the disciples of Sri
(2) Salutation to Vishvaksena, the commander-in-chief of
Lord Sri Ranga, and who rules with his followers, such as
Gajānana, and who is ever with Sūtravati (his wife).
[In the usual Guruparamparā, Vishvaksena comes between
Nammazhwar and Lakshmi. Here, Vishvaksena gets
a whole stanza to himself; his name was omitted
in the previous stanza.]
(3) Salutation to Nārāyaṇa, who incarnated as Krishna
Dvaipāyana, to whom belong all the Vedas, with the
Mahabharata which is the fifth Veda (because it is he that
divided and made them available to the world).
(4) Inspired by Rangesa and given the title of Parasara
Bhatta by the Lord of Sriranga Himself, I, the person named