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Sri Parasara Bhattarya's Sri Vishnu Sahasranama
Bhashyam, which is named Bhagavad Guna Darpa-
na, is well-known for its depth of exposition and
wealth of elucidation. An English translation of it
has been a longfelt wånt. Vidwan Sri Uttamur
T. Viraraghavacharya Swami and the late Sri
K. Bhashyam had in collaboration met this want.
Bhattarya establishes in his Introduction, i.e.,
(Upodghata) the sovereign remedy that the Sahasra-
nama Stotra provides to make life worthy. The
English Translation of this introductory portion of the
Bhashya and along with it the text of the Sahasra-
nama with 'Nirukti' slokas bringing together the
various meanings of each Nama and the whole improved
and well-arranged so as to help memorising, have been
printed. The Visishtadvaita Pracharini Sabha have
resolved to present them at once to the public as an
initial volume. They hope that the English translation
of the main Bhashya (by the late Sri K. Bhashyam)
now in manuscript form, will soon be printed and
issued to the public.