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विष्णुं जिष्णुं महाविष्णुं प्रभविष्णुं महेश्वरम् ।
अनेकरूपदैत्यान्तं नमामि पुरुषोत्तमम् ॥ १६ ॥
(16) I bow to Vishnu, the Victorious, the All pervading
the Mighty, the Lotd of All, the Enemy of Daityas,
(demons) of many forms and the Best of persons.
अस्य श्रीविष्णोदिव्यसहस्रनामस्तोत्रमहामन्त्रस्य -श्रीवेद
व्यासो भगवानृषिः; अनुष्टुप् छन्दः; श्रीमहाविष्णुः परमात्मा
श्रीमन्नारायणो देवता; अमृतांशूद्भवो भानुरिति बीजम् ; देवकी
नन्दनः स्रष्टेति शक्तिः ; उद्भवः क्षोभणो देव इति परमो मन्त्रः;
शङ्खभृन्नन्दकी चक्रीति कीलकम् ; शार्ङ्गधन्वा गदाधर इत्यत्रम् ;
रथाङ्गपाणिरक्षोभ्य इति नेत्रम् ; त्रिसामा सामगः सामेति कव-
चम्; आनन्दं परब्रह्मेति योनिः; ऋतुः सुदर्शनः काल इति
दिग्बन्धः; श्रीविश्वरूप इति ध्यानम् ; श्रीमहाविष्णुप्रीत्यर्थे
श्रीसहस्रनामजपे विनियोगः ;
(The above angas are usually repeated in prose in the
course of pārāyana. They are followed by some dhyāna-ślokas
or stanzas for meditation. It is thereafter that the holy
Names are recitcd).
Of this grand mantra, i. e., the Thousand Names of
Vishnu, the venerable Veda Vyasa is the rishi, the metre
p; its Deity is Sriman Nārāyana, the Supreme
Soul, the All pervader. Its seed is "Amritamśūdhbhavo
Bhanu". Its power is 'Devakinandana'. The essential
part of the mantra is Udbhavah : Kshobhano Devah'. Its
pin is "Sankabhrin Nandaki Chakri". Its weapon is
Śārigadhanvā Gadādharah." Its eye is "Rathātigapānih:
Akshobhyah." Its armour is "Trisāma sāmagas sāma"
Its womb is "ānandam Para Brahma". The enclosure
binding the directions (east, west, south and north) is
"Ritussudarśanahkala". The contemplation is on the
universal form. Its purpose and utility is in the Thousand
Names being used for praising and pleasing Vishnu.
क्षीरोदन्वत्प्रदेशे शुचिमणिविलसत्सैकते मौक्तिकानां
मालाक्लृप्ता सनस्थः स्फटिकमणिनिभैर्मोक्तिकैर्मण्डिताङ्गः ।