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meditating on these qualities) because of the ardour (shown
by the Vedas towards them)". (III. iii. 39).
The venerable Parāśara says clearly: "Sattva and other
qulities of matter do not exist in the Lord" (Vishnu Purana,
1. 9. 44); and also "He is possessed of all auspicious qualities"
(Ibid, VI. 5. 54). And he proves this proposition: "The
Supreme is perfect and full of beneficent qualities which are not
opposed to the delusion caused by words denoting the negation
of imperfections. So the sastras proclaim".
(The following passages bear this out) "All good quali.
ties inhere in Him' (Chh. Up. IV. xv. 2); "He is the con-
troller of all, the ruler of all". (Brih. Up. VI. iv. 22); "He who
understands all and knows all" (Mund. Up. I. i. 10), "The
Vedas say His mighty power is natural to Him, is of various
kinds, and consists of knowledge, strength and activities
(Svet. Up. VI. 2); "Nārāyaṇa is the father, mother, brother,
the home, the refuge, the good-hearted friend and the ultimats
goal." (Subala Up. VI); "Creator of all actions, He is all sweet
perfumes, He is all sweet tastes" (Chh. Up. III. xiv. 2). In the
Anandavalli' (of the Taittiriya Upanishad), it is demonstrated
that mind and speech return (without comprehending the
extent) from His bliss, because of the unlimited extent of His
knowledge, might, youth. The Vishnu Purāṇa, in the context
of explaining the connotation of the word "Bhagavān" men
tions all His qualities in the passage beginning with "Pure
and possessed of great glory" (VI. 5. 72).

Bhishma says in the Sabha Parvan (of the Mahābhārata):
"I have been a disciple of many virtuous men, ripe in
wisdom and have heard from them the much prized qualities of
Sauri (Lord Krishna). Hence, I consider that Hari is the best
person above others to be worshipped because of these quali-
ties". Again, in Karna Parvan, he says: "The attributes and
gunas of that great Victorious Person, the son of Vasudeva,
distinguished by the discus and conch and mace in His hands,
cannot be sufficiently extolled by all the worlds meeting to-
gether and for tens of thousands of years". Also in the Varaha
Purana: "If there is a person blessed with the life-length of
Brahma (the four-faced Creator) and endowed with a crore of
tongues and a mind pure and clean, such a person may