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Thus, the tattva (the Ultimate Reality) and the hita (the
beneficial way of attainment) have been determined as
superior to all else. Of these, a method common and bene-
ficial to all is to be clearly set forth. So Bhishma invites
Yudhishthira to listen:
तस्य लोकप्रधानस्य जगन्नाथस्य भूपते ।
विष्णोर्नामसहस्रं मे शृणु पापभयापहम् ॥ १२ ॥
12. O King! Hear from me the Thousand Names which
remove sins and drive away fear, of that Vishņu,
Lord of the universe and Ruler of the world.
Of that (Tasya): Of Him whose supreme greatness has
been set forth above.
Lord of the universe (Lokapradhānasya): The Lord on
whom all without exception depend.
Ruler of the world: He rules all.
Thousand Names: Though there
there are so many other
methods of pleasing Him, the Thousand Names are to be
preferred which remove sins, etc. The Thousand Names
deserve the praise that they destroy sins and drive away all
sorts of fears by the very roots. From me (Me): From me or
for my sake. (The Sanskrit word me is common to several
cases, dative, ablative and genitive. Here it can be taken as
either dative or ablative singular.) O King! Hear: Why this call
to listen to one who is already listening of his own accord, and
why the vocative 'O King'? These show that the speaker
(Bhishma) felt that the gain of a listener for this matter was
worthy of commendation.
(Then he proceeds to set out what he will be speaking
gıfa arÐıfa đorfa favorarfa ogrēna: ।
yaù ॥ 23
भूतये ॥ १३ ॥

ऋषिभिः परिगीतानि
#fafa: ofoftarfa arfà axaıfa
तानि वक्ष्यामि
(13) For the good (of the world), I shall tell you the
(holy) Names of the Supreme Soul (Paramātman) which
are indicative of His attributes and glory, well known
and sung by the rishis.