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(Narayana Sukta); "That supreme abode of Vishnu
(Katha. Up., III. 9); "Nothing else is higher than He
(Vishnu) (Svet. Up., III. 9); and "Nothing is higher than
Purusha (the Supreme Person)" (Kath. Up. III. 11). In the
Gita also there are similar passages:
than I" (VII. 7); and The Highest Person is another "
(XV. 17). All these proclaim this fact in express words with
no room for any other inference or doubt.
Nothing else is higher
Any intelligent person can easily come to the conclusion
tha Vishnu is the Highest Deity of unassailable rulership and
that the others are not so high from the following also:
(1) the common trend of the scriptural statements about
creation; (2) the purport or meaning of the Purusha Sikta,
Uttara Nārāyaṇa Sikta and other important passages; (3) the
loud proclamations of many Upanishads like the Subāla,
Maitrāyaniya, Mahopanishad, Chhandogya, Taittiriya, Katha and
Aitareya; (4) the sättvika puranas and itihāsas; (5) the
opinions of great sages like Parasara, Vyasa and Valmiki who
know and have had direct perception of the Highest Deity;
(6) the agamas which are in conformity with the Vedas and
(7) the natural excellence of His form, weapons, conveyances
and action. Again, our acharyas have come to the above
conclusion, as stated by them in the 'Dahara Vaiśvānara'
and other sections of the first chapter (Samanvayı Adhyaya) of
the Brahma-sūtras. Hence there is no need to elaborate
Yamunächārya also says the same thing in a brief way in
the 15th stanza of the Stotra-ratna, which begins with "Thee,
by reason of Thy grace, beauty and deeds." My (the commen-
tator's) revered father also says, addressing Vishnu in the
Vaikunta Stava (17): "We feel convinced that Thou art the
Highest God from hundreds of passages in the Vedas which
deal with the Highest Reality, from logical inferences, from
Smritis of a like import, from sättvika purāṇas and from the
opinions expressed by those who have attained the knowledge
of God". Again: "Learned men have also determined that
Thou art the Supreme Lord from the beauty of Thy form.
Thy superb radiance, some of Thy wonderful and appropriate
exploits and some other clear and significant signs." (Ibid. 28).