2023-03-12 16:00:32 by ambuda-bot
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(t extends over leaves 116
of the Tanga, Peru, la,
and begins with a invotion to ti e mistress hobia Tara, it is
divided into twenty-ore chapters and is the work of the as.
mitian tersher Revi-gupta (arrerasray
) It was translated into Tibetan by the Indian teacher
Manju-śr and the Tibetan interpreter Mai-gyo-blo-gros-grags-pa
in the very great vihara of Vikrama fila.
10. भगवती-बारादेतो एकविंशतिलोत्र-साथ पाकि,' hnga -
vati Tari devi - chavamsati-stotra-sadhanop yiks,
The way of propitiating ne
blessed goddess Töra by the twentyons-fold hyran
It ex'ends over leaves 26b-356 of the Tangyar, Bgyud. La,
and begins with a salutation to the feet of the Noble Tare. This
book, which is divided into 21 chapters, was transmited into
Tibetan by the grout Käśmirian Pandita Sak-i-bhadra and
the Tibetan interpreter Byams-pahi-dpal in the great vibara of
Contrr! Tibet in the plains of pol-nag-thaù-po.
11. वार्य तारादेवी - खोन- विश्र्द्ध-चूड़ास-नाम, Arya-Tora-
devi-stotra - visuddha cidamani nana, Tibetan:
JENS-A pare crest-gem of the hyian to
the nobit godness Tārā.
1: extends over leaves 56-39b of the Tangyu, Rayud, La
ad begins with an invocation to the great merciful lord Avaloki
Tesara (53)
The originai Tibetan book has
Mr. Thomas, a frequent mistake for
The Sanskrit, title in the original
Tibetan book; raus as follows:
प्यार्थवितारे एकविंशत् त्तोष विशुद्ध चूडामणि नाम। I have modified it
in conformity with the Tibetau title
a which is, as I am informed by
(t extends over leaves 116
of the Tanga, Peru, la,
and begins with a invotion to ti e mistress hobia Tara, it is
divided into twenty-ore chapters and is the work of the as.
mitian tersher Revi-gupta (arrerasray
) It was translated into Tibetan by the Indian teacher
Manju-śr and the Tibetan interpreter Mai-gyo-blo-gros-grags-pa
in the very great vihara of Vikrama fila.
10. भगवती-बारादेतो एकविंशतिलोत्र-साथ पाकि,' hnga -
vati Tari devi - chavamsati-stotra-sadhanop yiks,
The way of propitiating ne
blessed goddess Töra by the twentyons-fold hyran
It ex'ends over leaves 26b-356 of the Tangyar, Bgyud. La,
and begins with a salutation to the feet of the Noble Tare. This
book, which is divided into 21 chapters, was transmited into
Tibetan by the grout Käśmirian Pandita Sak-i-bhadra and
the Tibetan interpreter Byams-pahi-dpal in the great vibara of
Contrr! Tibet in the plains of pol-nag-thaù-po.
11. वार्य तारादेवी - खोन- विश्र्द्ध-चूड़ास-नाम, Arya-Tora-
devi-stotra - visuddha cidamani nana, Tibetan:
JENS-A pare crest-gem of the hyian to
the nobit godness Tārā.
1: extends over leaves 56-39b of the Tangyu, Rayud, La
ad begins with an invocation to the great merciful lord Avaloki
Tesara (53)
The originai Tibetan book has
Mr. Thomas, a frequent mistake for
The Sanskrit, title in the original
Tibetan book; raus as follows:
प्यार्थवितारे एकविंशत् त्तोष विशुद्ध चूडामणि नाम। I have modified it
in conformity with the Tibetau title
a which is, as I am informed by