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eser's to the British Musoam and other importaut centres
learning in Europe and America.
I regret I have been able to examine neither the Stagdha -
totra-tippani nor the vernacular commentary kindly nenioned
a letter to me by Mr. F. W. Thomas, Librarian of the Indi.
A List of Tibetan Works on Tarā.
fawr am
Tathagata-mitus Taray
visvakermabhavo vama
Hüper 4 gaar suj
Tantram, Tibetan:
wwwar vergrowaINTA-
le in the original Tibet
An extract from the letter dated the 16th June 1905, from Mr. P. W.
Thom. s, is made here to show how graciously that Tibetan scholar of emi-
nence helped me in my literary pursuits :-
... I am glad that you have decided to publish the Sragahara-stolen.
As yon ejeciured, a Tibet rordering of the Stotra is found in the Panjur,
Rgynd 1. In fact, there are three, apparently different, versions of which
I will now write down the colophans.
I cannot find any commen-
tary in the Tibetea collection. You are doubtless acquainted with the
Sunski.t VSS. mentioned in Professor Bendall's Cambridge Catalogue
o with a vernacular commentary), with the copies in the Boyal Asic
ction (one wit, fika, seo Cowell and Eggeling's Catalogu
ith the copies sent to Europs by Mr. Hodgson. We hav
ne of which contains on the outside of its first leaf tue end
which d
anskrit. TE
ook runs thus:
appear quito correct from
rit title has, therefore,
the Tib
as, in bis jetter dited the 19%) April 1907.
itles in the Kanjur and Tanjur, which you often
to ne clear that in zonny cases they have been
in the Ti un (or other sources) by persons imperfectly
ith Sanskrit. For modern works. I can prove chis decisively,
memory deceives micą for the Tanjur alko..... Hence it is often
correct the granivar of such titles."