2023-06-22 12:07:55 by ambuda-bot

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परोक्षज्ञानतो नश्येत् असत्त्वावृत्तिहेतुता
अपरोक्षधिया नश्येत् अभानावृतिहेतुता ॥ इति ॥
तेनानुमानादावसत्त्वावरणनाशात् तत्र तद्वयवहारः । अभानावरणानिवृत्त्या
च न साक्षात्कारिभ्रमनिवृत्तिरिति ।
96. Answer:-It will be explained: Covering or veiling
is of two kinds. One is stationed in the witness, deli-
mited by the mind and produces the idea of non-
existence. The other which produces the idea of
non-perception is stationed in Brahman-conscious-
ness delimited as the object. Because both these
determinants are experienced in the idea, "I do not
know the pot". The first of these is removed by
knowledge in general which may be mediate or im-
mediate. Because the idea of non-existence does not
arise in the case of fire and such others known even by
inference which is mediate. The second one is removed
by direct perception only. Because the rule is that
knowing of a particular form (object) in a particular
locus removes only ignorance of that particular form
in that particular locus. In mediate knowledge, there
is no contact of the faculty with the object and its
station is, therefore, in the mind only; while direct
knowing only, being generated by proximity of the
object to the faculty is stationed in both the object
and the mind. Therefore it is said, "By mediate
knowing, the cause of the covering (in the form of
the idea) of no-nexistence is destroyed, by immediate
knowing the cause of covering (in the form of the idea
of) non-perception is destroyed". Thus, in inference
and such means the covering in the form of non-
existence is removed and so it is considered in that