2023-06-22 12:07:51 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
individual soul, God and the like, according to the
teaching of the scriptures:
७७. नूनं अतिमेधावी भवान् । अद्वितीयात्मातत्त्वं हि प्रधानं फलवत्त्वात्
अज्ञातत्वाच्च प्रमेयं शात्रस्य । जीवेश्वरविभागादिकल्पनास्तु पुरुषबुद्धिप्रभवा
अपिशात्रेणानूद्यन्ते । तत्त्वज्ञानोपयोगित्वात् 'फलवत्सात्रिधावफलं तदङ्गम् '
इति न्यायात् भ्रमसिद्धस्यापिश्रुत्यनुवादसम्भवात् । एतेन द्वेतज्ञानेन अद्वैत-
ज्ञानस्य बाधो निरस्तः ।
77. Answer :-You are very clear indeed ! The main
point of the scriptural teaching is the Reality of the
Self, without a second, because that is pruposeful and
not known (otherwise). Constructions regarding
.the distinctions between God, soul. etc., are repeated
by the scripture, though they arise only in the mind
of persons, because they are useful in understanding
the essence or truth. In accordance with the
(established) principle, " In the presence of the pur-
poseful, the unpurposeful is (to' be accepted as)
helping it ", it is possible for the scriptures to repeat
information regarding even what is proved only
within illusion. By this, the sublation of non-dual
knowledge by knowledge of duality is refuted. 24
७८. घटादिद्वैतज्ञानस्यापि अद्वैतसन्मात्रांशे अज्ञाते प्रामाण्याभ्युपगमाच्च ।
ज्ञनाज्ञानयोस्समानाश्रयविषयत्वनियमात् । जडे च प्रमाणप्रयोजनाभावेना-
ज्ञानानभ्युपगमात् तदवच्छिन्न चैतन्याज्ञानादेव तत्राप्यज्ञानव्यवहारोपपत्तेः ।
सर्वप्रमाणां अज्ञातज्ञापकत्वेनैव प्रमाण्यात् । अन्यथा स्मृतेरपि तदापत्तिरिति ।
एवं वेदान्तेषु सर्वत्रैवंविधविरोधे अयमेव परिहारः । तदाहुः वार्तिककार-
24 Statements in the scriputures which may appear to convey
knowing of duality are to regarded as repetition of what is
generally seen in the world, 'anuvāda', and not as communica-
tion of an unsublated truth ' pramāņa'.