2023-06-22 12:07:50 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
६९. अज्ञानोपहितं बिम्बचैतन्यं ईश्वरः, अन्तःकरणतत्संस्कारावच्छिन्नाज्ञान-
प्रतिबिम्बित चैतन्यं जीव इति विवरणकाराः ।
69. Consciousness with the adjunct of ignorance is
the Lord, the Ruler. It is the object ( that is reflected).
The reflection of this in ignorance determined by the
mind and its impressions is the individual self. This
is the view of the author of the Vivarana.
७०. अज्ञानोपहितं चैतन्यं ईश्वरः, बुद्धिप्रतिबिम्बितं चैतन्यं जीवः. अज्ञानो-
पहितं तु बिम्मचैतन्यं शुद्धमिति संक्षेपशारीरककाराः !
70. Consciousness with ignorance for an adjunct is
the Ruler. Consciousness reflected in the (individual )
mind is the individual soul. The protype consciousness,
Consiousness as the object reflected is pure, though
it has ignorance for the adjunct (and is reflected in it).
This is the view of the author of the 'Sankshepa-
७१. अनयोश्च पक्षयोः बुद्धिभेदात् जीवनानात्वम् । प्रतिबिम्बस्य च पार-
मर्थिकत्वात् जहदजहल्लक्षणैव तत्त्वमादिपदेषु इममेव प्रतिबिम्बवादमा-
चक्षते ।
71. In these views there is multiplicity of individual
selves because of the multiplicity of minds. Because
of the reality 23 of the image, in (understanding) the
words, 'That' and 'thou', the method of partial
abandonment is to be adopted. This is called the
'Reflection view', 'Pratibimbavada'.
७२. अज्ञानविषयीकृतचैतन्यं ईश्वरः, अज्ञानाश्रयीभूतं च जीव इति
वाचस्पतिमिश्राः । अस्मिंश्च पक्षे अज्ञाननानात्वात् जीवनानात्वं; प्रतिजीवं च
प्रपञ्चभेदः, जीवस्यैव स्वाज्ञानोपहिततया जगदुपादानत्वात्, प्रत्यभिज्ञा
23 According to the Pratibimba Vada, the reflected image is,
in essence, nof other than the prototype and is, therefore, as
real as the prototype.