2023-06-22 12:07:49 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
superimposed the attributes, like being whole or defi-
cient, of persons like the son, the wife and such others.
६०. एवं चैतन्यस्याप्पहारादिषु देहपर्यन्तेष्वध्यासः संसर्गतः । अध्या-
सव्यवधानतारतम्याच्च प्रेमतारतम्यम् । तदुक्तं वार्तिकामृते
वित्ताप्सुत्रः प्रियः पुत्रात् पिण्डः पिण्डात्तथेन्द्रियम् ।
इन्द्रियेभ्यः प्रियः प्राणः प्राणादात्मा परः प्रियः ॥
इति । पिण्ड: स्थूलशरीरम् । प्राणः अन्तःकरणम् । देहापेक्षया च
इन्द्रियाणां प्रियत्वं शस्त्रवृष्ट्यादिधारापाते चक्षुरादीनां मीलनदर्शनात् अनु
भवसिद्धम् ।
60. In the same manner, the awareness is super-
imposed on the (the objects like) ego and down to the
body by association. The gradation of love varies
with the proximity or remoteness of the superimposi-
tion. This has been stated in the nectar-like
Vārtika: The son is dearer than wealth, the body is
dearer than the son, the faculty is dearer than the
body, life is dearer than the faculties and more than
the faculties, the Self is supremely dear". The body
means the gross body ; 'life' means the inner instru-
ment, the mind. That the faculties are dearer than
the body is proved by the experience of closing the
eyes etc., when it is likely to be hit by a weapon or
by rain and such others.
६१. तेनान्योन्याध्यासात् चिदाचिद्ग्रन्थिरूपोऽध्यासः । एकतरस्याध्यासाङ्गीकारे
अन्यतरस्याभानप्रसङ्गात् अध्यस्तस्वैव भ्रमे भाननियमात् । इमे रङ्गरजते
इति समूहालम्बनवत् अवश्यामितरेतराध्यासः ।
61. Thus, by this mutual superimposition, we have
the knotting together of truth and untruth. If the
superimposition of one only is admitted there is the
possibility of the other not being perceived; the rule
being that in illusion only that is perceived which is