2023-06-22 12:07:47 by ambuda-bot

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अनिर्मोक्षप्रसङ्गः । सर्वस्याध्या समूलत्वे भ्रमप्रमादिव्यवस्था च न स्यात् ।
एकस्यैवात्मनः प्रमाणप्रमेयप्रमितिप्रमातृरूपता च विरुद्वा अविरोधाभ्युपगमे
वा सौगतमतापंत्तिरिति ॥
48. It is not reasonable to admit the existence of
ignorance in that Self which is self-luminous. Thus:
Is that (ignorance) superimposed or not super-
imposed? In the first case how can falling into the
error of self-locus or self-support be avoided ?¹6 In
the latter case, since it can never be destroyed or got
rid of, emancipation would become impossible. If
everything is based on superimposition oniy, the
distinction between truth and error would cease
(leading to utter confusion). To say that the one
Self is at the same time the means of valid knowing,
the object of such knowing, the form or mode of
such knowing and such valid knowing itself, is self-
contradictory. If it is accepted as non-contradictory,
we would be admitting the view of the Bouddhas.
४९. अत्रोच्यते — अहं मनुष्यः कर्ता भोक्तेत्यादिप्रती तिस्तावत् सर्वजनसिद्धा
सा च न स्मृतिः; अपरोक्षावभासत्वात् भेदाग्रहपूर्वकत्वाच्च । नापि प्रमा
श्रुतियुक्तिबाधितत्वात् ।
49. Answer: Now we shall answer this: "I am a man,
the doer (of work) and the enjoyer (of the result of
it)" etc., this idea is commonly felt by all persons.
This is not a memory because it is experienced direc-
tly without perception of the difference (between the
substantive element. 'I' and the predicative elements,
man, doer, enjoyer etc). Nor is it valid knowing
16 Superimposition is caused by ignorance which itself is
superimposition. This is the alleged defect of self-support,
The advaitin overcomes the objection by
making superimposition 'anādi', begining ess. See para 58 p. 31.