2023-06-22 12:07:43 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
मनोवृत्तेः क्षणिकविज्ञानस्य देहातिरिक्तस्य कर्तृत्वभोक्तृत्वादिविशिष्टस्य च
निरासः ।
19. The refutation (of selfhood) of the elements of
matter leads (automatically) to the refutation (of
selfhood) of mind and life which are material. By
refuting (the selfhood of ) the mind, (the selfhood of)
its function, the intelligence or thought lasting for an
instant, and of the extra corporeal principle endowed
with doership, enjoyership etc are refuted.
२०. सिद्धान्ते ज्ञानेन्छासुखादीनां अन्तःकरणाश्रयत्वाभ्युपगमात्; काम-
सङ्घल्पादीन्प्रकृत्य 'मन एव ' इति श्रुतेः । तेन देहमारभ्य केवलभोक्तपर्यन्तानां
तत्तद्वाद्यभ्युपगतानामनात्मत्वं प्रतिज्ञातं भवति ॥
20. Because in the final view ( of the Vedantins) it is
accepted that knowledge ( knowing), will, joy etc., are
functions of the 'inner instrument', the mind. Also
because the revealed scripture also tells us, beginning
with desire, will etc., " (all those are ) the mind only".
Thus all the principles, beginning with the body and
ending with only the enjoyer' accepted as Self by
the different disputants are declared to be non-self.
२१. तत्र हेतुमाह — अनेकान्तिकत्वादिति । व्यभिचारित्वात् विनाशित्वा-
दिति यावत् ॥
21. He tells us the general reason for this refutation :
"Because they are variable". It means that all these
are inconstant and subject to destruction.
२२. आत्मनो देशकालापरिन्छिनत्वात् तत्परिच्छिन्नानां घटादिवदनात्मत्वात्
ध्वंसप्रागभावयोश्च ग्रहीतुमशक्यत्वात् अनात्मनां जडत्वात् स्वभिन्नस्य च
आत्मत्वाभावात् आत्मन एकत्वेऽपि सुखदुःखाद्याश्रयाणामन्तःकरणानां भेदा-
भ्युपगमात् व्यवस्थोपपत्तेः ॥
22. ( To clarify :) Because Atman, the Self is not deter-
mined in terms of space and time, objects so deter-
mined like a pot are non-self. All non-self is non-