2023-06-22 12:07:43 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
नवा सम्बध्यते । या भूमिः साऽहं न भवामि, योऽहं स भूमिर्न भवतीति च
परस्परतादात्म्याभावो द्रष्टव्यः ॥
14. In order to establish this, by refuting the views
of the other disputants,-first, the view of the Self as
the body is denied by the statement, "not earth, not
water, not light not wind, not space". Here the word
'I' is to be taken with the 'not' separately in each
denial. "I am not that which is earth; the earth is
not that which I am". In this manner, the absence
of mutual identification has to be understood.
१५. यद्यपि वादिना प्रत्येकं भूम्यादिरात्मत्वेन नाभ्युपेयते, सङ्घातस्यैव
तदभ्युपगमात् । तथाऽपि तन्मते अवयव्यनङ्गीकारात्, पञ्चमतत्त्वाभ्युपगम-
प्रसन्नेन च संयोगादिसम्बन्धानभ्युपगमातू, संहन्त्रभावाच्च सङ्घातो नोपपद्यते
इत्यभिप्रेत्य प्रत्येकभूतनिराकरणेन भौतिकदेहात्मवादो निराकृतः ॥
15. This disputant does not admit selfhood of earth
etc., separately because he admits selfhood of the
aggregate only. Yet, because his view does not
accept a composite entity, the need would arise for
the admission of a fifth principle. Again because he
does not admit relations like combination etc.,
there is also no principle to cause the aggregation,
the aggregate could not be reasonably established.
With this in mind, the view of the self-hood of
each element of matter is denied separately.
१६. यद्यपि भूतचतुष्टयतत्त्ववादिनो मते आवरणाभावत्वेनाभिमतस्य
स्थिरस्यासत आकाशस्य देहानुपादानत्वम् । तथाऽपि सिद्धान्ते तस्य भावत्व-
देहोपादानत्वाद्यङ्गीकारात् तत्राप्यात्मत्वप्रसक्त्या तन्निराकृतम् ॥
16. Again, the materialist admits only four elements
of matter. In his view, space is only a void, a non-
entity, the absence of any of the four elements,