2023-06-22 12:07:41 by ambuda-bot

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less witness-consciousness in the state of deep sleep
has been accepted. The awareness caused by words
like 'space' is also taken as attributeless. The functi-
oning of words is controlled by the purport (which
they are intended to convey). Thus the appearance
in awareness of (distinct elements like) 'knowledge'
and the known' caused by the understanding of
the great statement is negated. The revealed and the
traditional scriptures have established non-objective
meditation. Because of the persistence of 'Remote-
ness' and 'Having another', knowledge of only the
meanings of the words, 'That' and 'Thou' will not
serve the purpose.
७. वाच्यार्थाभेदावभासान पौनरुक्तयम् । लक्ष्यस्य च अर्थस्यैकत्वादखण्डा -
र्थता। पदजन्यस्मरणस्य निर्विकल्पकवाक्यार्थानुकूलस्य निर्विकल्पकत्वं अनु-
भवादेवाविरुद्धम् । सविकल्पकवाक्यार्थबोधे च सविकल्पकपदार्थोपस्थिति-
रङ्गम् । प्रकृते च निर्विकल्पको वाक्यार्थबोधः तस्यैव प्रमात्वेन अज्ञान-
निवर्तनसामर्थ्यात् । अतो न लक्ष्यतावच्छेदकमन्तरेण लक्षणानुपपत्तिः; प्रकृ-
तवाक्यार्थानुकूलपदार्थोपस्थितेरेव शक्तिलक्षणासाध्यत्वात् !
7. Although the expressed meanings of both words
5 The witness-consciousness is that which is aware of the
objects without being affected by them. The clearest awareness
of its functioning in normal life is in the state of the deep
sleep. Unlike the 'I'-consciousness or ego that functions in
the other two states of waking and dreaming and is identified
with the experience of these states, the witness is not so identified
and therefore not affected by what it is aware of. During deep
sleep there is no experience as such but, on waking up, one
remembers the state in terms like, "I slept happily, I did not
know anything". This memory necessarily presupposes an
experience and an experiencer who is the witness. There is
detailed discussion on this under verse VIII in paras 154 to