2023-06-22 12:08:27 by ambuda-bot

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Self, or is said to know that it is and always was the
Self. The sense of individuality or of the limitation
which constituted it is lost or destroyed, but not the
underlying Reality; jivah. :.
When two separate objects are seem, what is in
between them is space. This cannot be perceived by
It this through which light and
any of the senses.
The sky,
other forms of radiant energy move.
akaşah, ³. This is also the basis of the sense of
direction, dik; f.
Clothed in space, the sky or nothing; naked.
digambarah, digvasanah; दिगम्बर:, दिग्वसनः.
To contradict or cancel in a special way. To
illustrate: Walking in the dusk one sees a snake lying
"There is a snake" and
across the path. He thinks,
halts, perhaps he is afraid to go nearer.
later, he sees the snake move away. He then thinks.
"There is no snake". This latter thought contradicts
the first thought. But he does not think, 'There was
no snake'.
On another occasion under the same
"There is a snake". He
circumstances he thinks,
shines a light on the object in front and finds it is a
rope. Now also he thinks, "There is no snake ". But
because, with the light, he has seen the rope which
looked like a snake in the dusk, he knows with
certainty that there was no snake there even while he