2023-06-22 12:08:25 by ambuda-bot

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as unreal, neither as different nor as the same and
so on. anirvacanīyam ; ft.
Not limited, measured or finite, endless. Finite-
ness can be of three kinds, in time, in space and in
substance. The truly infinite is therefore totally
without limitation in time, space and substance. It
is everywhere, at all times and everything. If it were
not any particular thing, that particular thing would
limit it and it would not be unlimited or infinite. There
cannot be two infinites. If there were, each would
limit the other because the other is not that, and so
neither of them would be infinite. anantam; bhūmā,
अनन्तं, भूमा.
Inner instrument.
The means of knowing that is inside the body,
the mind. antahkaraṇam; ³:TV.
Inner Self.
The innermost core of Being and Consciousness,
prathygatma, प्रत्यगात्मा.
The knowing of an object by a subject; a func-
tion of the mind or of ignorance. One element of
the three that are inseparable and always found
together in usage. jnanam; à¶.
Knowing in the absolute sense. Not one of the