siddhantabindu /161
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form of knowing. This is sākshāt; of ¶å or pratya-
ksham; . Sometimes it is described as aparo--
ksham; ³ or immediate because of the identifica-
tion of the self with the mind and the senses at that
level. In fact as the mind and the senses which are
not the self are there between the self, the subject and
the object, emperical knowing is not really immediate.
Only the final
It is mediate or paroksham only.
knowing when the subject is the object and none other
and where knowing is Being and not a relation bet-
ween the two can be described as immediate.
aparoksham, . Immediate knowing could possi-
bly be described as knowing by identity.
Impression (Latent).
Every one of our thoughts and actions leaves on
our mind a mark which gives rise to a similar thought
and a tendency to repeat the action under similar
condition in the future. This mark is called the
latent impression. It is this that causes the feelings of
pleasure and pain, judgements of good and bad and
all the complex reactions of the mind to the sensa-
tions that the faculties present to it. samskārah;
Changing, variable. vyabhicari; fand.
Something that cannot be defined as having either
of two opposite characteristics; neither as real nor
form of knowing. This is sākshāt; of ¶å or pratya-
ksham; . Sometimes it is described as aparo--
ksham; ³ or immediate because of the identifica-
tion of the self with the mind and the senses at that
level. In fact as the mind and the senses which are
not the self are there between the self, the subject and
the object, emperical knowing is not really immediate.
Only the final
It is mediate or paroksham only.
knowing when the subject is the object and none other
and where knowing is Being and not a relation bet-
ween the two can be described as immediate.
aparoksham, . Immediate knowing could possi-
bly be described as knowing by identity.
Impression (Latent).
Every one of our thoughts and actions leaves on
our mind a mark which gives rise to a similar thought
and a tendency to repeat the action under similar
condition in the future. This mark is called the
latent impression. It is this that causes the feelings of
pleasure and pain, judgements of good and bad and
all the complex reactions of the mind to the sensa-
tions that the faculties present to it. samskārah;
Changing, variable. vyabhicari; fand.
Something that cannot be defined as having either
of two opposite characteristics; neither as real nor