2023-06-22 12:08:22 by ambuda-bot

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in fact, exist together, they are said to contradict
each other. That relation is contradiction. virodhah;
Co-occurrence and absence.
In reasoning, two things are seen to occur to-
gether. Eg. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire.
This concomittance of fire and smoke is co-occurre-
nce. 'Where there is no fire there is no smoke', this
is the absence of one when there is to the absence of
the other. In this example smoke is the pervading
and fire the pervaded principle. Co-occurrence is
anvayah, अन्वयः and absence is vyatirekah, व्यतिरेकः.
Where some thing is denied, it is always denied
in some locus. The object denied is the counter-
correlate of the denial or negation (abhava-) prati-
yogi. (अभाव – ) प्रतियोगी- Eg. "There is no pot (here)."
The 'pot' which is denied is the counter-correlate of
the denial. Here', the visible piece of the earth's
surface is the locus of the denial.
Deep sleep.
The state of consciousness in which there is no
knowing of the external world of objects or of the
internal world of imagination and thought. But a
knowing of the non-knowing is inferred from the
memory of that state which occurs in the waking
state sushuptih; ggf:. vide paras 29, 106, 108, 162,
169, 171.