2023-06-22 12:08:15 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
soul it is sleep, based on the gods, dissolution; based
on the elements tamas.
. १८१. एवमध्यात्माधिभूताधिदेवानामेकत्वात् प्रणवावयवत्रयसहितानामु-
पहितानामैक्योपासनया हिरण्यगर्भलोकप्राप्तिः, अन्तःकरणशुद्विद्वारा क्रम-
मुक्तिश्च । एतत्सर्वोपाधिनिराकरणेन साक्षिचैतन्यमात्रज्ञानेन तु साक्षादेव
मोक्ष इति ।
181. Thus all these based on the soul, the gods and
the elements are one. By meditating on the unity of
these with their adjuncts as identical with the three
parts of the praņava, one attains to the world of
Hiranyagarbha. By the purification of the mind
gradually there is liberation also. But by discarding
all the adjuncts and knowing pure consciousness
directly, liberation is direct.
१८२. तदेवं त्रयाणामप्यवस्थात्रयसहितानां विश्वतैजसप्राज्ञानां अविद्यात्मक-
त्वात् दृश्यत्वेन च मिथ्यात्वादनुपहितः केवलस्साक्षी तुरीयाख्योऽहमस्मीत्यर्थः ॥
182. Thus, because they are knowable, these three
Viswa, Taijasa and Prajna are products of ignorance
and so they are false; but I am the absolute, the
witness without any adjunct, called the fourth. This
is the meaning.
१८३. एवं व्यवहारतः सर्वव्यवस्थोपपत्तेः परमार्थतः कस्या अपि व्यवस्थाया
अभावात्र काप्यनुपपत्तिः । विस्तरेण चैतत्प्रपञ्चितमस्माभिर्वेदान्तकल्पलति-
कायामित्युपरम्यते ॥८॥
183. Thus, within the practical or phenomenal all the
distinctions are reasonable but in reality as there is no
distinction of any sort whatever; there is nothing
unreasonable. This has been dealt with elaborately
by us in the Vedanta-kalpalatikā. We shall now stop. 8
९८४. ननु जाग्रत्स्वन्पसुषुप्तचवस्थासहितानां त्रयाणामपि तदभिमानिनां
मिथ्यात्वात्तत्साक्षिणोऽपि मिथ्यात्वं स्यादविशेषादित्याशङ्कय विशेषाभिधानेन