siddhantabindu /132
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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
170. Because of the absense of the ego it is not one
composite function. Because it (the presence of the
ego) would lead to the possibility of the absence of
deep sleep. Therefore³4 and also because there is no
knowing of the functioning form, the definition does
not extend to total dissolution. There (in dissolution)
the seeds for the construction of that (functioning
form) are absent. In this case, one who wakes up
after sleep recalls, "I slept well, I did not know
anything". In the absence of experience, memory
cannot be accepted. The experience (of deep sleep)
does not occur at a time when there was contact with
the mind (i.e., it does not occur as a function of the
mind but of ignorance), therefore, it is not perceived
as such in the recalled experience. The non-percep-
tion of suchness does not bar its being (classed as)
memory, because, there is no rule of the invariable
perception of suchness in memory. The knowing
'I slept', in the waking state cannot be accounted for
otherwise. Because the absence of the sign would
vitiate the locus and inference would be impossible.
The ego is experienced only in the waking state.
Because it is merged (in its source, ignorance) and so
it is not experienced and memory thereof would not
be reasonable.
१७१. मुखप्रतिबिंबाश्रये दर्पणे जपाकुसुमलौहित्याध्यासेन रक्तं मुखमिति
तिवदहवाराश्रयसाक्षिचैतन्यस्य स्मरणाश्रयत्वादहमस्वाप्समिति सामा-
नाधिकरण्यप्रतीतिः, न पुनरहं सुखीतिवदाश्रयतया । स्मृतिसंशयविपर्ययाणां
साक्षिचैतन्याश्रयत्वनियमादहङ्कारस्य च प्रमाणजन्यज्ञानाश्रयत्वनियमात् ।
प्रमात्वेनैव तत्कार्यतावच्छेदात् । आप्रमात्वावच्छेदेन च अविद्याया एव
84 Because of the acceptance of deep sleep as a function of
सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
170. Because of the absense of the ego it is not one
composite function. Because it (the presence of the
ego) would lead to the possibility of the absence of
deep sleep. Therefore³4 and also because there is no
knowing of the functioning form, the definition does
not extend to total dissolution. There (in dissolution)
the seeds for the construction of that (functioning
form) are absent. In this case, one who wakes up
after sleep recalls, "I slept well, I did not know
anything". In the absence of experience, memory
cannot be accepted. The experience (of deep sleep)
does not occur at a time when there was contact with
the mind (i.e., it does not occur as a function of the
mind but of ignorance), therefore, it is not perceived
as such in the recalled experience. The non-percep-
tion of suchness does not bar its being (classed as)
memory, because, there is no rule of the invariable
perception of suchness in memory. The knowing
'I slept', in the waking state cannot be accounted for
otherwise. Because the absence of the sign would
vitiate the locus and inference would be impossible.
The ego is experienced only in the waking state.
Because it is merged (in its source, ignorance) and so
it is not experienced and memory thereof would not
be reasonable.
१७१. मुखप्रतिबिंबाश्रये दर्पणे जपाकुसुमलौहित्याध्यासेन रक्तं मुखमिति
तिवदहवाराश्रयसाक्षिचैतन्यस्य स्मरणाश्रयत्वादहमस्वाप्समिति सामा-
नाधिकरण्यप्रतीतिः, न पुनरहं सुखीतिवदाश्रयतया । स्मृतिसंशयविपर्ययाणां
साक्षिचैतन्याश्रयत्वनियमादहङ्कारस्य च प्रमाणजन्यज्ञानाश्रयत्वनियमात् ।
प्रमात्वेनैव तत्कार्यतावच्छेदात् । आप्रमात्वावच्छेदेन च अविद्याया एव
84 Because of the acceptance of deep sleep as a function of