2023-06-22 12:08:09 by ambuda-bot

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सिद्धान्त बिन्दु
१६१. नन्वहं मनुष्य इत्यादिव्यावहारिकसङ्घातज्ञानस्य प्रमाणाजन्यत्वात्कथ-
मज्ञाननिवर्तकता । अवस्थान्तरान्यथानुपपत्त्या तत्कल्पने सुषुप्तावपि स्वप्न-
बाधकज्ञानमास्थीयेत, तच्चानिष्टम् जामत्त्वापत्तेरिति ।
161. Objection : The waking knowing of aggregates, I
am a man' and the like is not generated by means of
valid knowing. How can it dispel ignorance? The
change of state cannot be accepted as the cause, rea-
sonably. If such a possibility is accepted, in deep sleep
there could be a knowing which could sublate dream.
That is not acceptable, because it would result in deep
sleep being the same as waking up.
१६२. साध्ववोचः । स्वमावस्थाज्ञानस्यैव अन्तःकरणलयसहितस्य सुषुप्ति-
रूपत्वात्र तत्र तद्बाधः। जागरणे तु मिथ्यैव स्वमोऽभादित्यनुभवादहमिति
ज्ञानस्य प्रामाणाजन्यत्वेऽपि यथार्थत्वात् शरीरादिज्ञानस्य च प्रमाणजन्यत्वा-
दवस्थाज्ञानविरोधित्वमनुभवसिद्धम् । विशेषाज्ञानं तु न प्रमाणजन्यवृत्ति-
मन्तरेण निवर्तते । साक्षिणश्चाविद्यानिवर्तकत्वाभावः अज्ञानसाधकत्वेनैव
धर्मिग्राहकमानसिद्धेः इति न किञ्चिदवद्यम् ।
162. Answer : You have spoken well. (The state of)
deep sleep is the ignorance of the dream state only,
along with the dissolution of the mind and so it does
not contradict the dream state. In waking, there is the
exper:ence, "The dream perceived was unreal". The
knowing of 'I' ( in that state ), though not generated
by means of valid knowing, yet corresponds to the
actual object. The knowing of the body etc., is
generated by the means of valid knowing.33 Thus it
38 In the knowing "I am a man there are two objects 'I',
and ' man'. The knowing of 'I' is not generated by the means
of valid knowing because that (valid knowing) has been defined
in para 84 as that part of the mind which stretches between the
body and the object; and the 'I' sense being internal, that part
is not there. But the knowing of 'man', being dependent on the
body, which is visible, is generated by means of valid knowing.