siddhantabindu /100
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eternal knowledge, all knowing because of His being
reflected in the quality of satva, which is a part of.
pradhana and certainly different from the soul which
is involved in samsāra..
१२०. अद्वतीयपरमानन्द एव ब्रह्म, तच्च जीवस्य वास्तवं स्वरूपं. मायया च
सर्वज्ञत्वादिविशिष्टं जगत उपादानं निमित्तं चेति औपनिषदः ।
120. The followers of the Upanishads hold that the
Infinite is non-dual supreme Bliss only. That is the
real essence of the individual soul. Because of Maya
it has the attributes like omniscience and such others.
It is both the substantial and the intelligent cause of
the world,
१२१ • एवं वादिविप्रतिपत्तिभिः सन्दिग्धे तत्पदार्थे औपनिषदपक्षस्य परिशेषेण
तन्निर्णयायाह भगवान्
न साङ्ख्यं न शैवं न तत् पाञ्चरात्रं
न जेनं न मीमांसकादेर्मतं वा ।
विशिष्टानुभूत्या विशुद्धात्मकत्वात्
तदेकोऽवशिष्टः शिवः केवलोऽहम् ॥ ४ ॥
121. Thus, because of these conflicting views of the
disputants, the true meaning of the word "That" is in
doubt. To ascertain that (by refuting other views
and showing that) the view of the Upanishads is the
only one left, the Blessed Lord (Sankara) has said :
Not the Sankhya, not the Saiva, not the Pancha-
rātra ;
Not the Jaina, not the view of the Mimamsakas and
Because I am essence of the pure Self, experienced in a
special manner,
I am the one, the residue, Siva, the Absolute.
eternal knowledge, all knowing because of His being
reflected in the quality of satva, which is a part of.
pradhana and certainly different from the soul which
is involved in samsāra..
१२०. अद्वतीयपरमानन्द एव ब्रह्म, तच्च जीवस्य वास्तवं स्वरूपं. मायया च
सर्वज्ञत्वादिविशिष्टं जगत उपादानं निमित्तं चेति औपनिषदः ।
120. The followers of the Upanishads hold that the
Infinite is non-dual supreme Bliss only. That is the
real essence of the individual soul. Because of Maya
it has the attributes like omniscience and such others.
It is both the substantial and the intelligent cause of
the world,
१२१ • एवं वादिविप्रतिपत्तिभिः सन्दिग्धे तत्पदार्थे औपनिषदपक्षस्य परिशेषेण
तन्निर्णयायाह भगवान्
न साङ्ख्यं न शैवं न तत् पाञ्चरात्रं
न जेनं न मीमांसकादेर्मतं वा ।
विशिष्टानुभूत्या विशुद्धात्मकत्वात्
तदेकोऽवशिष्टः शिवः केवलोऽहम् ॥ ४ ॥
121. Thus, because of these conflicting views of the
disputants, the true meaning of the word "That" is in
doubt. To ascertain that (by refuting other views
and showing that) the view of the Upanishads is the
only one left, the Blessed Lord (Sankara) has said :
Not the Sankhya, not the Saiva, not the Pancha-
rātra ;
Not the Jaina, not the view of the Mimamsakas and
Because I am essence of the pure Self, experienced in a
special manner,
I am the one, the residue, Siva, the Absolute.