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ndhati, Moon, Venus or Agasti, would definitely die within
a year. ( See Śloka 366 for the symbolic meanings of some of
the words used in this Śloka).
अरश्मि बिम्बं सूर्यस्य वह्नः शीतांशुमालिनः ।
दृष्ट्वैकादशमासायुर्नरश्चौर्ध्वं न जीवति ॥३४२॥
One who cannot see the Sun, Moon or Fire and also their
rays, has only eleven months of life left for him.
वाप्यां पुरीषमूत्राणि सुवर्ण रजतं तथा ।
प्रत्यक्षमथवा स्वप्ने दश मासान्न जीवति ॥ ३४३ ॥
One who either in the waking state or in a dream, sees a
pool full of human excreta, urine, gold or silver, will not
live beyond ten months.
क्वचित्पश्यति यो दीपं सुवर्णं च कपान्वितम् ।
विरूपाणि च सूतानि नव मासान्न जीवति ॥३४४ ॥
A person who does not see a lamp or gold rubbed on a
touchstone, or sees deformity in all the specics would not live
beyond nine months.
सस्थूलाङ्गोऽपि कृशः कृशोऽपि सहसा स्थूलत्वमालभ्यते,
प्राप्तो वा कनकप्रभां यदि
भवेत्क्रूरोऽपिकृष्णच्छविः ।
विकारी पुमानित्येवं
शरो भीरुसुधीरधर्मनिपुणः
प्रकृती प्रयाति चलनं मासाष्टकं जीवति ॥ ३४५॥
If a man's nature changes suddenly, i.e. if he is fat but
suddenly becomes lean and thin or vice versa, or his black
complexion suddenly changes to glistening golden colour, or
being brave and courageous he suddenly becomes meek and
coward, or being religious becomes altogether irreligious,
or still, being of a composed temperament becomes of an un-
stable temperament, then he would live only for eight months.
पीडा भवेत्याणितले च जिह्वामूले तथा स्याद्रु-