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ईश्वर उवाच
चन्द्रं सूर्येण चाकृष्य स्थापयेज्जीवमण्डले ।
आजन्मवशगा रामा कथितेयं तपोधनैः ॥ २७६॥
Isvara said: If one with his Sun Svara attracts the Moon
Svara of a woman and establishes it within his Jiva-mandala
then that woman would be captivated for ever, so have said
the men who practice austerities. But this succeeds only in
case of one's own married wife.
जीवेन गृह्यते जीवो जीवो जीवस्य दीयते ।
जीवस्थाने गतो जीवो बालाजीवातुकारकः ॥२७७॥
The man should adopt the Jiva-svara of a woman with
his own Jīva-svara, and extend his Jiva-svara to the Jiva-svara
of the woman. When the jiva-svara of the man resides thus
in the jiva-svara of the woman the man remains captivated
by the woman throughout his life.
रात्र्यन्तयाम वेलायां प्रसुप्ते कामिनीजने ।
ब्रह्मजीवं पिबेद्यस्तु बालाप्राणहरो नरः ॥२७८।
The man who drinks the Suşumnā Svara in the midnight
when the woman is sleeping, keeps the Prāņa of the
woman captivated.
अष्टाक्षरं जपित्वा तु तस्मिन्काले गते सति ।
तत्क्षणं दीयते चन्द्रो मोहमायाति कामिनी ॥ २७९ ॥
After that time is a little past then if the man with the
recitation of the Aştākṣara Mantra lends his Moon svara to
the woman then she instantly develops love for him.
शयने वा प्रसङ्गं वा युवत्यालिङ्गनेऽपि वा ।
यः सूर्येण पिबेच्चन्द्रं स भवेन्मकरध्वजः ॥२८० ॥
When one is lying, when he is in intercourse with a
woman, or just touching her, drinks the Moon Svara of the
woman with his Sun Svara then his charm becomes captiva-
ting like the God of Love (Kāmadeva).