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The Vai Bīja should be meditated in the Water Element.
It is like a half moon in shape. One who meditates upon it
is not troubled by the pains of hunger and thirst. He can
also remain submerged in water, i. e. he does not experience
any difficulty even if he is drowned in water.
ध्यायेत्विकोणमरुणप्रभम् ।
वह्नन्नपानभोक्तृत्वमातपाग्निसहिष्णुता ॥२११॥
Ram is the Bīja of Agni Element which is triangular in
shape and red in colour. It is worth meditating and one
who does so gains tolerance of intense furry of Sun and Fire
and can devour any amount of food.
यंबीजं पावनं ध्यायेद्वतुलं श्यामलप्रभम् ।
आकाशगमनाद्यं च पक्षिवद्गमनं तथा ॥२१२॥
Yam is the Bija of Wind Element. Its shape is round and
colour black. It should be meditated upon and one who
does so can fly in the air like birds.
हंवीजं गगनं ध्यायेन्निराकारं बहुप्रभम् ।
त्रिकालविषयमैश्वर्यमणिमादिकम् ॥२१३ ॥
Ham is the Bīja of Akasa Element and is formless and of
extra brightness. One who meditates upon it gains a know-
ledge of past, present and future and also gets Animi etc.
स्वरज्ञानी नरो यत्रधनं नास्ति ततः परम् ।
गम्यते स्वरज्ञानेन ह्यनायासं फलं भवेत् ॥ २१४॥
There is no wealth better than the place where a person
with the knowledge of Svaras resides. A person who moves
with the knowledge of Svaras gets success without any efforts.
महाज्ञानं स्वरोदयम् ।
देवदेव महादेव
त्रिकालविषयंचैव कथं भवति शंकर ॥२१५॥
Pārvatī said : O God of Gods, Mahādeva O Śañkara ! How
does this great science of Svarodaya provide the knowledge
of past, present and future ?