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One should place both the left and right thumbs on the
respective ears, both the middle fingers on both the nostrils,
the Tarjanis on both the eyes, and the Anāmikās and the little
fingers of both hands on the mouth.
अस्यान्तस्तु पृथिव्यादितत्त्वज्ञानं भवेत्क्रमात् ।
पीतश्वेतारुणश्य/मैर्बिन्दुभिर्निरुपाधिकम् ॥१५१॥
When one has done so ( as directed above ) then the know-
ledge of the Elements comes to him in the form of colours i. e.
yellow colour for Earth, white for Water, red for Fire, black
for Vayu, and spotted colour for Akasa.
दर्पणेन समालोक्य तत्र श्वासं विनिः क्षिपेत् ।
विजानीयात्तत्त्वभेदं विचक्षणः ॥१५२
Placing a mirror one should throw his breath on it and try
to see the form of the haze formed on it. Thus the Pandits
should know the predominating Elements on the basis of the
shape of the haze.
चतुरस्त्रं चार्धचन्द्रं त्रिकोणं वर्तुलं स्मृतम् ।
बिंदुभिस्तु नभो ज्ञेयमाकारैस्तत्त्वलक्षणम् ॥१५३ ॥
If the haze so formed is square, like half-moon, triangular,
or dotted then one should know it as the sign of the Akāśa
मध्ये पृथ्वी ह्यधश्चापश्चोर्ध्वं वहति चानलः ।
तिर्यग्वायुप्रवाहश्च नभो वहति संक्रमे ॥ १५४॥
If the breathed air is passing through the central part of
the nostril it is indicative of Earth Element; if it is through
the lower part it means Water Element; if it his through the
topmost part it means Fire Element; and if it is oblique
through the sides it means Air Element. If it is flowing in
a rotating manner it indicates the Akasa Element.
आपः श्वेताः क्षितिः पीता रक्तवर्णे हुताशनः ।
मारुतो नीलजीमूत आकाशः सर्ववर्णकः ॥१५५ ॥
The colour of Water is white; of Earth yellow; of Fire
red; of Air blue and of the Akasa like the colour of clouds.