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नाडोसंक्रमणे काले
शुभं किंचिन्न कर्त्तव्यं
तत्त्वसंगमनेऽपि च ।
पुण्यदानादि किचन १३२॥
During the transitional period of Naçi and Elements no
auspicious work should be done. Even one should abstain
from righteous acts like charity etc.
विषमस्योदयो यत्र मनसाऽपि न चिन्तयेत् ।
यात्रा हानिकरी तस्य मृत्युः क्लेशो न संशयः ॥१३३॥
When the irregular Svara rises then one should not even
think of a work. If one does so he will meet adverse effects.
or even suffering and death-there is no doubt about it.
पुरो वामोर्ध्वतश्चन्द्रोदक्षाधः पृष्ठतो रविः ।
पूर्णारिक्तविवेकोऽयं ज्ञातव्यो देशिकैः सदा ॥ १३४॥
When the left Svara is followed by the Moon Svara and
thereafter the right Svara is followed by the Sun Svara, then
one should know both these orders as blank.
ऊर्ध्ववामाग्रतो दूतो ज्ञेयो वामपये स्थितः ।
पृष्ठे दक्षे तथाऽधस्तात्सूर्यवाहागतः शुभः ॥१३५॥
If before or after the left Svara a messenger comes and
takes his place on the left side, or if before or after the right
Svara a messenger comes and takes his place on the right side,
then it is auspicious is both the cases.
अनादिर्विषमः संधिर्निराहारो निराकुलः ।
परे सूक्ष्मे विलीयेत सा सन्ध्या सद्भिरुच्यते ॥१३६ ॥
If during the flow of a beginningless irregular Susumna,
one, remaining without food and fully engrossed, obtains
absorption in the Subtle Brahman, then such a Suşumna is
called Sandhya by the knowers.
न वेदं वेद इत्याहुर्वेदो वेदो न विद्यते ।
परात्मा वेद्यते येन स वेदो वेद उच्यते ॥ १३७ ॥
The Pandits do not consider knowing as Veda, and in fact
Vedas are not mere knowing. The erudites call that as Veda
from which one can obtain the knowledge of the Supreme