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The Fire residing in the Sun Nāḍī burns like Kāla (Death)
and one should know this Fire a poison and all-destructive.
दयाऽनुक्रममुल्लङ्घ्य यस्य नाडीद्वयं वहेत ।
तदा तस्य विजानियादशुभं नात्र संशयः ॥१२६॥
When transaggressing their orders both the Nādīs (left
and right nostrils) flow in a person then it is inauspicious
for him. There is no doubt about it.
क्षणं वामे क्षणं दक्षे विषमं भावमादिशेत् ।
विपरीतं फलं ज्ञेयं ज्ञातव्यं च वरानने ॥ १२७॥
When the Wind flows for a moment in the left and next
moment in the right, it should be called irregular; and O
Pārvati ! it gives adverse results.
संचारं विषवत्तं विदुर्बुधाः ।
न कुर्यात्क्रूर सौम्यानितत्सर्वं विफलं भवेत् ॥ १२८॥
Irregular flow of the Nadīs is said by the Pandits to be
like a poison. One should do neither cruel nor auspicious
works and if one does so they all become infructuous.
जीविते मरणे प्रश्ने लाभालाभे जयाजये ।
विषये विपरीते च संस्मरेज्जगदीश्वरम् ॥१२९॥
In living, dying, questioning, profit, loss, victory, defeat,
and in the flow of adverse and irregular Svara ( flow of Suşu-
mnā) one should always remember the Supreme Lord.
ईश्वरे चिन्तिते कार्यं योगाभ्यासादि कर्म च ।
अन्यत्तत्र न कर्तव्यं जयलाभसुखैषिभिः ॥१३०॥
On such an occasion concentrating his mind on the
Isvara one should indulge in Yogic practices only. No effort
towards victory, benefit, or comfort should be made in this
सूर्येण वहमानायां सुषुम्नायां मुहुर्मुहुः ।
तदन्यथा ॥१३१॥
When the Suşumnā flows during the reign of Surya Nadi
( Pingalā ) then both a curse or a boon become ineffective.