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In a period of 23 Ghatis all the Elements rule successively
in the order enumerated previously; but also during the flow
of each Nagī the five elements flow in the same order.
अहोरात्रस्य मध्ये तु ज्ञेया द्वादशसंक्रमाः ।
वृषकर्कट कन्या लिमृगमीना
निशाकरे ॥ ७३ ॥
At the middle of a day and night one should know twelve
transitional points ( from one zodiacal point to another )
between the Sun and Moon. During the day time the transi-
tion of the Moon occurs from Vrşa to Karka, Kanyā, Vrścika,
Makara, and Mina respectively.
मेषसिंहौ च कुम्भश्च तुला च मिथुनं धनम् ।
उदये दक्षिणे
ज्ञेयःशुभाशुभ विनिर्णयः ॥ ७४ ॥
The transition of Sun should be known from Mesa, to
Simha, Kumbha, Tula, Mithuna, and Dhanu. In this manner:
one should determine the auspicious and inauspicious nature
from the rising and setting of the zodiacal signs.
तिष्ठेत्पूर्वोत्तरे चन्द्रो भानुः पश्चिमदक्षिणे ।
दक्षनाड्याः प्रसारेतु न गच्छेद्याम्यपश्चिमे ॥ ७५ ॥
The Moon stays in the East and North while the Sun in
the South and West. When the right nostril is flowing one
should avoid going to the south and West.
वामाचारप्रवाहे तु न गच्छेत्पूर्व उत्तरे ।
परिपन्थिभयं तस्य गतोऽसौ न निवर्त्तते ॥ ७६ ॥
One should not go to the East and North during the flow
of the left nostril. If he goes in these directions then there is
an apprehension of fear from the enemy; and if one insists
on going he would never return.
तत्र तस्मान्न गन्तव्यं बुधैः सर्वहितैषिभिः ।
तदा तत्र तु संयाते मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥ ७७ ॥
Therefore, sensible persons who think of the benefit of all
should not go in the directions prohibited above. If they
would go they may meet death.
शुक्लपक्षे द्वितीयायाम वहति चन्द्रमाः ।
दृश्यतेलाभदः पुंसां सौम्ये सौख्यं प्रजायते ॥ ७८ ॥