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The Moon Svara should be avoided in the night and the
Sun Svara in the day. One who practices in this manner is
really a Yogi, there is no doubt about it.
सूर्येण बध्यते सूर्यञ्चन्द्रश्चन्द्रेण बध्यते ।
यो जानाति क्रियामेतां त्रैलोक्यं वशगं क्षणात् ॥ ६७ ॥
The Sun is bound by the Sun Svara and the Moon by the
Moon Svara. One who knows this can captivate the three
worlds in a moment.
उदयं चन्द्रमार्गेण
तदा ते गुणसंघाता
सूर्येणास्तमनं यदि ।
विपरीतं विवर्जयेत् ॥ ६८ ॥
If the Sun Svara rises at the time of the Moon Svara but
sets at its own time, i. e. at the time of the Sun Svara, then
various group of qualities (auspicious) arise. If the condition
is contrary to this it should be avoided.
वामनाडिका ।
सिद्धिदा सर्वकार्येप शुक्लपक्षे विशेषतः ॥ ६९ ॥
On Thursday, Friday, Wednesday and Monday the left
Nāgī ( flow of the left nostril ) is auspicious for all occasions,
and in the lighted fortnight it is all the more effective.
अर्काङ्गारकसौरीणां वासरे दक्षनाडिका ।
स्मर्त्तव्या चरकार्येषु कृष्णपक्षे विशेषतः ॥ ७० ॥
For roving business (works which require movement
from one place to another ) the right Nādī ( i. e. flow of the
right nostril) should be considered favourable on Sunday,
Tuesday, and Saturday. It becomes all the more effective in
the dark fortnight.
प्रथमं वदते वायुर्द्वितीयं च
तथानलः ।
तृतीयं वहते भूमिश्चतुर्थं वारुणो वहेत ॥ ७१ ॥
The order of the prevalence of the Elements is as follows:
first of all the Vayu (wind) element flows, followed by the
Agni (fire), Earth (Prthivī), Water (Varuna or Jala), and Sky
(Akāśa) respectively.
साईविघटिके पञ्च क्रमेणैवोदयन्ति च ।
क्रमादेकैकनाड्यां च तत्त्वानां पृथगुद्भवः ॥ ७२ ॥