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नागः कूर्मोऽय कृकलो देवदत्तो धनञ्जयः ।
हृदि प्राणो वसेन्नित्यमपानो गुदमण्डले ॥ ४३ ॥
I now enumerate the names of the winds which flow
through the Nādis. These are Prāna, Apāna, Samāna, Udāna,
and Vyāna; Nāga, Kūrma, Kṛkala, Devadatta and Dhanañjaya.
The Prāṇa-vayu resides in the heart and the Apānavāyu in
the anus.
समानो नाभिदेशे तु उदानः कण्ठमध्यगः ।
व्यानो व्यायी शरीरेषु प्रधाना दश वायवः ॥ ४४ ॥
Samana is situated in the navel region, Udana at the centre
of the neck, and the Vyana flows all over the body. These ten
Vayus or winds are most important.
प्राणाद्याः पञ्च विख्याता नागाद्याः पञ्च वायवः ।
तेषामपि च पञ्चानां स्थानानि च वदाम्यहम् ॥ ४५ ॥
There are five Prāņa etc., and five Nāga etc., sets of Vāyus
( winds ). The places of the first five have already been des-
cribed. I now describe the places of the remaining five Nāga
etc., Vāyus.
उद्गारे नाग आख्यातः कूर्म उन्मीलने स्मृतः ।
कुकलः श्रुतकृतज्ज्ञेयो देवदत्तो विजृम्भणे ॥ ४६ ॥
In vomitting should one know the Naga Vayu to be
inherent and in the winking of eyes the Kūrma vāyu. The
Krkala is inherent in sneezing and the Devadatta in yawning.
न जहाति मृतं वापि सर्वव्यापी धनञ्जयः ।
एते नाडीस सर्वापु भ्रमन्ते जीवरूपिणः ॥ ४७ ॥
The Dhananjaya Vayu, which pervades the entire body,
does not leave the body even after death. In this manner the
ten Vayus roam in the body.
लक्षयेद्देहमध्यतः ।
इडापिङ्गला सुषुम्नाभिर्नाडीभिस्तिसृभिबुधः ॥ ४८ ॥
The erudites should know that the vital winds flowing in
the centre of the body are controlled by the Ida, Pingalā and