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pleasure or comfort are all obtained through the strength of
कन्याप्राप्तिः स्वरबले स्वरतो राजदर्शनम् ।
स्वरेण देवतासिद्धिः स्वरेण क्षितिपो वशः ॥ २३ ॥
Travel becomes possible by the strength of Svaras; food is
obtained by the strength of Svaras; and even urination and
defecation are made possible by the strength of Svaras.
स्वरेण गम्यते देशो भोज्यं स्वरबले तथा ।
लघु दीर्घं स्वरबले मलं चैव निवारयेत् ॥ २४ ॥
Marriage of the daughter, audience from a king, kindness
of a God or the subjugation of a king become possible only
by virtue of Svaras.
स्मृतिवेदाङ्गपूर्वकम् ।
स्वरज्ञानात्परं तत्त्वं नास्तिकिंचिद्वरानने ॥ २५ ॥
O lady of beautiful face ! all the śāstras, Purānas, Smritis
and the Vedangas are nothing beyond the knowledge of
नामरूपादिकाः सर्वे मिथ्या सर्वेषु विभ्रमः ।
अज्ञानमोहिता मूढा यावत्तत्त्वं न विद्यते ॥ २६ ॥
As long as there is no knowledge of the Elements the
illusion of name and form remains a futility and so long the
ignorants also remain baffled.
इदं स्वरोदयं शास्त्रं सर्वशास्त्रोत्तमोत्तमम् ।
प्रदीपकलिकोपमम् ॥ २७ ॥
The science of Svarodaya (knowledge of the rise of brea-
thing in one or the other nostril) is higher than the highest
of the Sastras, and is like the wick of the lamp to illumine the
pot in the form of Atman.
यस्मै कस्मै परस्मै वान प्रोक्तं प्रश्नहेतवे ।
तस्मादेतस्वयं ज्ञेयमात्मनोवाऽऽत्मनात्मनि ॥ २८ ॥
The science of Svarodaya should not be imparted to all
and sundry who happen to ask for it, but it should be mastered
for one's own self by one's own intellect in his own body.