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रेचको हरते पापं कुर्याद्योगपदं व्रजेत् ।
पश्चात्संग्रामवत्तिष्ठेल्लयलन्धं च कारयेत् ॥३७८ ॥
The Recaka (exhalation of the internal air) destroys evil
deeds. Thus one who practices Prāṇāyāma obtains the place
of Yoga. A Yogi who is able to stabilize his breathing can
stop death.
कुम्भयेत्सहजं वायुं यथाशक्ति प्रकल्पयेत् ।
सूर्येणापूरयेत्सुधीः ॥३७९॥
According to his capacity one should stop in a natural way
the air through Kumbhaka. Then an able person should
practice Recaka by the Moon Svara and Puraka by the Sun
चन्द्र पिबति सूर्यश्च सूर्य पिबति चन्द्रमाः ।
जीवेदाचन्द्रतारकम् ॥३८० ॥
Whose Sun Svara drinks the Moon Svara from time to
time and vice versa, will live till the Moon and the stars exist.
स्वीया वहते नाडी तन्नाडीरोधनं कुरु ।
मुखबन्धममुञ्चन्वै पवनं जायते युवा ॥ ३८१॥
A Yogi who stops the Nadi which is flowing and also
closing his mouth does not allow the air so stopped to escape
through the mouth becomes young again even in his old age.
मुखनासाक्षिकर्णान्तानंगुलीभिर्निरोधयेत् ।
तत्त्वोदयमितिज्ञेयं षण्मुखीकरणंप्रियम् ॥३८२॥
तस्य रूपं गतिः स्वादो मण्डलं लक्षणं त्विदम् ।
स वेत्ति मानवो लोके संसर्गादपि मार्गवित्त ॥ ३८३ ॥
One should stop with his fingers his mouth, nose, eyes and
ears ( i. e. assume the Yoni Mudrā ) and know it as the rise
of Tattvas and the pleasant Saṇmukhīkaraṇa (making six
mouths). This implies that a Yogi can thus know in the
world the form, movement, taste, region, and symptoms of the