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person is not visible then he would die within half a second.
Same would be the fate if the ears, shoulders, hands, mouth,
sides, and heart are not visible. If the head of the shadow
is not visible and the person also loses the knowledge of the
directions (East etc.) then he would survive only for six
एकादिषोडशाहानि यदि भानुर्निरन्तरम् ।
वहेद्यस्य च वै मृत्युः शेषाहेन च मासिके ॥३६२॥
If the Sun Svara flows continuously in a person for sixteen
days, then that person would die within fifteen days.
संपूर्ण बहते सूर्यवन्द्रमा नैव दृष्यते । पक्षेण जायते मृत्युः
कालज्ञानेन भाषितम् ॥३६३ ॥
If in a person only the Sun Svara flows continuously and
the Moon Svara does not flow at all, then he would die within
a fortnight.
मूत्रं पुरीषं वायुश्च समकालं प्रवर्त्तते । तदाऽसौ चलितो
ज्ञेयो दशाहे म्रियते ध्रुवम् ॥ ३६४ ॥
If in a person the excreta, urine and wind come out simul-
taneously then he should know that it is time for death and
he would end his life within ten days.
सम्पूर्ण वहते चन्द्रः सूर्यो नैव च दृश्यते ।
मासेन जायते मृत्युः कालज्ञेनानुभाषितम् ॥३६५॥
If in a person the Moon Svara continues to flow and the
Sun Svara does not flow even once, then he would die within
a month—so say the persons having knowledge of death.
अरुंधती ध्रुवं चैव विष्णोस्त्रीणि पदानि च ।
आयुहींना न पश्यन्ति चतुर्थ मातृमण्डलम् ॥३६६॥
अरुन्धत भवेज्जिह्वा ध्रुवो नासाग्रमेव च ।
विष्णुपदं ज्ञेयं तारकं मातृमण्डलम् ॥३६७॥
If one is unable to see the Pole-star, Arundhati, three feet