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caka and respectively named after the five sages Vasiştha, Sanaka,
Suka, Sanandana and Sanatkumāra. The form of worship taught
in these works is in perfect agreement with the Vedic teaching. It is
called the Samaya-marga, as opposed to the Kaula-marga which
is contrary, in many respects, to the Vedic teaching and which, in
too many cases, led to the most execrable ritual subversive of all
morality (vide ph.129-30). Lakshmidhara has, in his commentray
on Saundaryalahari, very clearly shown how unfounded were
the notions which originally led to such a ludicrous and mis-
chievous parodi of the highly spiritula worship associated with
true Sri-Vidya, and has unreservedly explained many a mystery
the revelation of which was reserved by previous tradition to the
initiation chamber. Lakshmidhara and Bhaskararaya, who were
both scholars and mystics of the same school have, by their
able and lucid commentaries on various works on Srî-Vidyâ,
thrown a flood of light on the subject of which the mysterious
side appears to have been a matter of personal experience to
them. Lakshmidhara, for instance, differs from Sri Sankara-
carya whom he acknowledges and reveres as an adept in this
science as in all other matters spiritual as to the form in which
the Devi or Goddess issues from the Manipuraka and presents Her-
self in the Anahata-cakra (heart), and he founds his belief on
his own direct experience; and tradition has preserved many an
anecdote regarding the greatness and wonderful powers of
Bhaskararaya-of a comparatively recent date-the memory of
whose achievements is still alive in South India and whose
descndants are still in the enjoyment of a village in the Tanjore
District granted to him by his admirer, the Raja of Tanjore. In
their hands Srî-Vidyâ in its highest forms has become identical
in its philosophy, and methods of worship with the Upanishads
and has thus been redeemed from the suspicion, with which it
has been and is rightly viewed by all outsiders. Even now there
are not a few in India who, ignorant of the true doctrine, are
engaged in the most grotesque and mischievous practices of the
so-called Sri-Vidya, and have brought the cult into disrepute.
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