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THE present edition of the RUKMIŅIKALYĀŅA is based
on the following manuscripts :
The Adyar copy of the Kavya with the
commentary of Bālayajñavedesvara.
A¹. The Adyar copy of the text alone, beginning
from I-38 to III-80.
G. The text of the Kavya, belonging to the
Government Oriental Manuscripts Library.
Our thanks are due to the Curator of the Govern.
ment Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras, for his
kindness in allowing us the use of the manuscript of
that library for collation. The members of the library
staff, Pandits T. V. Venkatarama Sastri, N. Ramanatha
Sastri and T. R. Seshadri Sarma have been assisting
me in the preparation of the text and correction of