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पुरा दैवासुरे युद्धे पित्रा ते मम राघव ।

रक्षितेन वरौ दत्तौ सशल्येन महारणे ॥

"Long ago, O Raghava, two boons were

given to me by your father, when, in the

battle of the gods and Asuras, he was

tormented by arrows and saved by me.

तत्र मे याचितो राजा भरतस्याभिषेचनम् ।

गमनं दण्डकारण्ये तव चाद्यैव राघव ।

यदि सत्यप्रतिज्ञं त्वं पितरं कर्तुमिच्छसि ।

आत्मानं च नरश्रेष्ठ मम वाक्यमिदं शृणु ॥

Accordingly, O Raghava, the king was

requested by me for the anointment of

Bharata and for your departure to the

Dandaka forest this very day. If you

desire to make your father a man of his

word and yourself too, O best of men,

listen to these words of mine :

सप्त सप्त च वर्षाणि दण्डकारण्यमाश्रितः ।

अभिषेकमिमं त्यक्त्व।वा जटाजिनधरो वस ।

भरतः कोसलपुरे प्रशास्तु वसुधामिमाम् ॥

Giving up this installation, live in the

Dandaka forest for twice seven years,